There was a Malaysia Chocolate Fair today in MidValley Exhibition Hall...Chocolate!!!!..Every girl's dream!!!(well, mostly)...When there's Charlie and the Chocolate you have Renn in the Chocolate Fair!!
Went Mid Valley early today as Eddie afraid there was no parking...we reached there 10am sharp!..lucky no jam..and bought ticket for movie while waiting Orange to finish class...Chipmunks 2 was nice..really not bad..but just felt funny with the name "Chippettes"...wahahaha..what a name!!!
Once finish movie, we straight away went into the exhibition hall..Honestly, I was expecting high end imported quality chocolate with nice deco and skillfully crafted chocolate exhibition!..but once step in...DUH!!!!...the hall was quite small and 90% were local made Malaysia chocolate!(though they claimed there were exhibitors from Russia, Switzerland, Australia, Germany, Austria..guess they were just the minority there)..Sweat!!!!
Well, whatever! long as it's tasty..Orange arrived not long after we enter the hall..3 of us, went ransacked the whole hall searching for free choco testing!!..
I know, we were CHEAPOs!...wakakaka
There were fondue style, handmade, custom picture printed choco, even local flavour like Durian chocolate...tasted very strong durian of if I was eating the fruit itself!!!..Eeewwwww~
Also flavour like apple, strawberry, dark chocolate of different degree, mint chocolate, with nuts, white chocolate, tiramisu, name it..the one I like the most was a booth which sell truffles...custom made truffles it seems so so high class!..but too bad we didn't make it to try...there were stall selling brownies, cookies and fruit juices as well!..even skin care product made of cocoa oil!..At last, we can't resist ourselves to bring home some chocolate with us!..haha..who can anyway resist the temptation of chocolate??..Another 1 I love was the Mozart Chocolate!..the packaging were very attractive..but also, didn' t get to try..Well, I guess those nicer chocolates were not available for testing..only those local or so can say..cheaper!..haha..never mind..I'll stick with the cheaper long as it's still chocolate!
After browsing through the chocolate fair..we went into the wedding exhibition which was located next door...boy..the feeling was so 3 aliens went into a wrong planet!!!..Dum dum Orange and me decided to pretend like lesbian and we even hold hands there, acting sweetie-pie-darling there!!...wahahaha..That Orange even asked the people there if they got packages for lesbians!!!..I'm like..WTF??!!!..This girl...Smoke!!!..wahahaha..those staffs were so stunt and they either smile or kept quite!!..Well, we have our way to blend in without being disturb..hehe...Eddie was so so SWT following behind us and just keep laughing!..kaka
We later went Oh! Sushi! for lunch!..had a great chat there..and not to mention super long!!!..3 of us, when join together...we never shut up!!...from approximately 1.30pm, we went in..and we left around 5.30pm...count the hours yourself...haha
Well today went very well...funny movie, satisfying choco buy, nice friends, yummy lunch, great chat, fun time....Conclusion...good day^^
Renn in the Chocolate Fair~
Various chocolate distributors
Cute blue hippo..always love Crispy!
Cute little hippo!
Local Hand Made Chocolate
Hand Made Chocolate where you can also order to custom made
Even Choco fondue was there..and Hersey of my favourite brand!
Love this colourful chocolate exhibition!
Dark chocolate cookies..looks yummy!
The Mozart Chocolate! (from Germany I think)
Very nice packaging!
Picture printed chocolate!
Love this as my gift!..haha
Picture printed chocolate to make it more personal!
Hey!..They even had Eddie the II(Russel) printed on it!!!..haha
Colourful fruit juices!
Self made fondue, Fundue
Cute pots!
Lovely chocolate...looks delish!
I want this!!!
Good gift for valentine!
Wah!!..What's this???..Looks so nice!
It's truffles!..Yum yum!
I love how they make the truffles so special!..PACKAGING REAL GOOD!
Truffles that look so high class!
Random local chocolate~
Renn and Orange at the wedding exhibition!
The lesbian couples..SWT!=="
Yum yum...So Chocolicious..Indulge!!!
Eating chocolates stimulate endorphin, a good mood hormones which make you happy!...Besides, thinking of chocolate reminds us of romance, lust, sweets and love..the rich texture, melting in your mouth. so sweet and yum!..
So maybe that's why people likes chocolate so much, especially girls!
All and all...RENN LOVE CHOCOLATES TOO and always does!!!..You wanna buy me some??..
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
4 weeks ago
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